Individuals Coaching

Do you want happiness in your life again after a breakup?

Do you want to feel more connection in your relationship?

Do you want to attract an emotionally available partner into your life?

Do you want to get your needs met in your relationship?

Relationships can be stressful at the worst of times and fulfilling during the best times. If you find yourself reading here is because you want a relationship or a better relationship, and you don’t know how to do that and are ready for help.

If you are experiencing any of the following:

  • A painful and devastating breakup

  • Tired of being alone

  • Feeling inadequate in the dating scene

  • Tired of attracting emotionally unavailable partners

  • Deciding whether to stay or leave your relationship

  • Low self-worth, self-esteem, poor self-confidence

  • Disconnected from a sense of meaning and life purpose

Relationship issues can occur from several sources including childhood patterns and hurtful experiences from the past. I combine a variety of skills, training, and modalities to address your specific situation. 

My clients report feeling more connected to each other after our first session.

Book your free Clarity session here:

Relationships can be stressful at the worst of times and fun during the best times. If you find yourself reading here is because your relationship, or marriage, is struggling and you are feeling more like enemies instead of best friends.

Overall divorce rates are high and marriage satisfaction low. We are not taught in school the tools to do relationships well. These are important skills since most of what we do in life involves interacting with other people. Most people choose not to get help and live in dissatisfaction their whole life.   

If you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Your needs are unmet

  • Constant arguments and non-stop fights

  • Disclosed or undisclosed infidelity

  • Differences in values

  • A sense that there’s no good way to communicate with each other

  • You feel asphyxiated because you cannot be yourself

Relationship issues can occur from several sources including childhood patterns and hurtful experiences from the past. I combine a variety of skills, training, and modalities to address your specific situation. 

My clients report feeling more connected to each other after our first session.

Book your free Clarity session here:

What my clients say:

Today was my second call with Ana, this lady is truly a godsend. I am in a complicated long term marriage with an alcoholic. My emotions are all over the place. Ana helped me to realize that because my father was also an alcoholic that there is a scared little girl inside of me that just wants to be safe and loved. Today, I found that little girl, connected with her and gave her the reassurance of safety and love that she deserved, oddly enough that is what I’ve been longing for my entire life. 

I felt really light and happy after our call and I am looking so forward to continuing to work with Ana. If the future sessions are anywhere near as helpful as today’s was, I can see huge positive changes coming in my life. I am so looking forward to our next session. Thank you so much Ana, you truly are the best.

— Nathalie

Through my time with Ana she has always made me feel seen and heard, while maintaining a firm and realistic approach to solving problems. To say she has been supportive is a complete understatement. She is kind, patient and full of compassion. Ana truly goes above and beyond for her clients. She has been a lifeline through one of the most difficult times in my life and I am convinced that she is one of the main y reasons why I was able to make so much progress in short amount of time. You cannot put trust in a better person than Ana. She truly is a gift to all who are fortunate enough to work with her.

— Adrianne

Ana does an exceptional job at being a consistent, present and loving force during my healing journey. She has facilitated a program that helps me to move forward after a very difficult break-up and to heal past traumas. Her support, love and care help me to find my center, ground my energy, and gets me to think introspectively about my situation. In each session, I feel seen, understood, supported and loved.
I highly recommend working with her if you are experiencing grief, loss, or a major transition in your life. She brings a wealth of knowledge, compassion and love to each session while guiding you through your pain. I cannot recommend her enough. I am so grateful and thankful to have found her. I’m sure you will feel the same.

— Rita

Ana is an amazing and skilled coach, who doesn't just teach tools but also walks and lives her talk.
She helped me shift my state in even one session, where I felt lost and hopeless about my relationship.
I felt a tremendous amount of peace in my heart, and I was able to speak my needs a lot more confidently with my partner.
I feel like I have hope again. 💜

— Zsofi

If you’re reading this chances are you’re searching for something. So was I. When Ana reached out to me, initially I thought sure ok, let’s see what this will be. 

But Ana was like an angel sent to me. I was completely lost, confused, terrified, and avoiding life. 

There was no miracle pill, she was by me, and she made me confront my demons and sit with them. She made me listen to them and even though she wasn’t physically next to me, she was there. The support I had from Ana, the zero judgment, the love and empathy I felt… there are no words. 

I put in the work, I still do, and I hear her voice some moments. Ana has become sort of like a voice in my head that I listen to before I spiral out. 

I’m more in control of my feelings now. I can step back, get a hold of myself and then communicate. 

Ana reminded me every day that I’m strong, bold, smart, beautiful, and capable. She helped me reignite the fire inside of me and for that, I will always be grateful. 

I am lucky and blessed that Ana was sent to me! 

So if you’re reading this, if you’re lost, scared… I cannot recommend a more beautiful person than Ana. 

You will laugh, you will cry, and you will open up and heal and grow. 

Thank you Ana for being there when no one else was and for holding my emotions and helping me navigate through my darkest times!

— Maria

Working with Ana was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Thanks to her coaching, I was able to heal my heart, grow as a person, and experience the hope and optimism that had long eluded me. I honestly don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t made the choice to start working with her, but I’m glad that I don’t have to find out. Moreover, Ana is one of the kindest, most caring, most genuine people I know, and I feel truly blessed to have had her come into my life. As someone who was once a skeptic about relationship coaching, I can guarantee that you’ll be glad you made the choice to work with Ana.

— John

I’m going through a separation right now and Ana and her genius in this area has gotten me back on my feet after a few sessions.

I find great comfort in talking things through with her and knowing she is there to reach out too if need be. Sometimes she offers balm to my soul in affirmations and big picture thoughts, other times its insights and amazing personalized tools.

I thought online sessions would not be as powerful as in person, but after I close the zoom call, I’m in my own space and can dance and write and be with whatever came up. It’s perfect.

I can’t think of a better investment than having relational-focused coaching with Ana.

— Elyssia

Ana has helped me to heal my most painful relationship and life experiences. Every session has been a journey of healing relief, insight and growth because she leads me through exercises that shift things quickly and transformed my life over a few sessions. She has helped me to cut down the amount of frustration and the conflicts in my relationships and she has helped me return to feeling good about myself in all that I'm doing without years of therapy. I am grateful for her presence and gentle guidance when I struggle to get back to center.

— Greg

Since I have been working with Ana, I am seeing and experiencing results everyday. I’m becoming more aware of the words I use and how I use them. I am learning to acknowledge how people may feel when I communicate.

As for my relationship with my partner, it is getting better everyday.  I’m more receptive to my partner in regards to her wants, needs and feelings. I am able to recognize when I may be, or my partner perhaps, in a trigger and can use one of several tools and techniques that Ana has taught me. I am able to set healthy boundaries for myself and am more conscious when I may inadvertently cross a boundary that my partner has set.

Ana uses techniques that I can easily understand and grasp. Her coaching style is very honest and straightforward. I can definitely say that this is the first healthy and most balanced relationship I’ve been in. It’s constant work but the rewards are so worth it! Thank you Ana. 

— Dominic 

Ana’s deep attunement has helped me find a greater connection to my own source of compassion & inner wisdom. Since working with her, I have gained a greater understanding of where I am choosing to put others before myself. Her challenging side has helped call forth a greater desire to show up as myself in relationship to others. Thanks Ana!

— Levi

I have done a fair amount of work on my personal growth and I am a firm believer it’s a path not a destination. But there is without a doubt an incommensurable value in having someone walking on the same path with you and guiding you through your hick-ups. For me Ana was exactly that person - with her immense empathy and gentle challenge when needed she will hold your hand yet push you through all the roadblocks you find on your way so you are able one day very soon to walk that path alone because of all the newfound tools and love within you.

— Svetlana

I have been working with Ana for over a year now and through that time I have examined dark corners, blind spots, patterns and behaviors with Ana by my side. She has done a lot of work on herself and she sees the core issue of the pattern, situation or blindspot which saves time and energy because we don't spend hours going around an issue. I have experienced her support and challenge and I’m grateful for both. I’ve seen Ana’s consistency, congruence, commitment to help and integrity throughout all this time. I feel inspired to continue working with her.

— Angelina