Things I believe about conflict

I avoided conflict in romantic relationships for most of my life, always afraid that the other person would leave me.

I transformed that completely and now I can show up in conflict with

COURAGE, UNDERSTANDING, and VULNERABILITY in my marriage and all relationships.

Here's what I now believe about CONFLICT.

📣 CONFLICT is a necessary part of healthy relationships. Couples that know how to fight well are more likely to stay together in the long run than the ones that don't.

📣 Conflict is NOT bad - it's a rupture in connection, a disagreement between two people. Far from being bad or scary, if you know how to repair the disconnect with your partner, you can get find your way back into connection.

📣 I DESERVE a partner who RESOLVES conflict with me because it makes our relationship stronger and us happier.

📣 If speaking up in my relationship causes CONFLICT, I'll rather deal with that than stay quiet and betray myself. Nothing changes when I don't speak up.

📣 The more I resolve conflict when it comes up, the more connected I feel to myself, and the more I love myself. Conflict is ONE way to love myself & the people closest to me.

📣 Conflict is a vehicle for deeper CONNECTION, INTIMACY, and SAFETY in my relationship.

I plan on continuing to lean into conflict more & more every day!

Which conflict belief are you going to take for yourself?




5 Myths about fighting in your relationship